I have been on the hunt for summer activities for my kids this year. I have a feeling I am going to need all the help that I can get to keep them busy. I decided to design some Search & Find games. My kids are not old enough to read yet so I decided to do Search & Find picture games of things around the house and outside that they could find. If you would like to print some off for your kids just right click and save image and then you will be able to print them from your computer. I printed 2 per page so that they would fit on the cute little clip boards that I made to go along with them.

I had 2 small clip boards laying around so I decided to decorate them and then my girls could use them with the look and find game. I used adhesive spray and paper on the boards. Then I used hot glue to embellished with flowers, ribbon, gems and buttons. I also tied a pen to the board so they would not lose them. They turned out so cute that I am almost afraid to let my kids use them.
I used a fabric flower from my fabric flower tutorial to top off the layered daisy flowers.
Hopefully these will keep my kids busy for a little while.